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FlippingProperty.comBuilding module is conducting a seminar on August 15th to teach students all about modular construction integrated with renewable energy smart home technology.

The seminar will break down the differences between the “traditional stick built” method of construction versus the “modular” method. You’ll learn the advantages and disadvantages of the modular process along with how we’ve used TESLA smart home products to create net zero in a home.

Who is this seminar for?

1. The buyer who is looking to build a new home and would like to get the process done 30%-40% faster at a cost savings of 10%-20% of the original stick built method while building a stronger product.

2. The consumer that wants to learn about “Renewable Energy” and how we’ve used TESLA solar roof tiles, the TESLA powerwall home battery and the TESLA smart home system to operate everything inside the home at net zero (NZEB), meaning the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is roughly equal to the amount of renewable energy created on the site. In plain English, this means that your electric and heat bill comes out to $0 per month.

3. The “Developer” that wants to build a community or subdivision of hundreds of homes and/or the developer that wants to build apartment or hotel doors quicker, stronger and for less money.

4. The investor/developer/buyer that wants to be part of owning a modular construction company and factory because they are tired of not having the control of construction costs and the time it takes to get a new home, apartment building or hotel built.

5. The strategic investor who wants to partner with a company that has the capability to build their product faster, cheaper and stronger through the modular process.

About the Speaker

brianBrian Kuzdas started his real estate career in 1985 as a commercial real estate agent in Chicago, Illinois. After representing buyers and sellers for 12 years, Brian bought his first apartment building in 1997 with the intentions to convert it into condominiums.

After the success of that first apartment conversion, over the next ten years (1998-2007), Brian bought 4,000+ apartments and converted all of them to condos.

When the recession hit in 2007, Brian shifted to helping banks auction their foreclosed inventory (REOs). By 2010, Brian bought the domain “” (REA) and expanded the company to fourteen states while moving the corporate office to Palo Alto, CA in 2012.

In 2017, Brian opened an acquisition division to purchase $1Billion in wholesale property over the next five years to teardown and construct modular renewable energy smart homes using TESLA products throughout all of California.

To date, Brian has purchased a total of more than $350M in real estate and disposed in excess of $1 Billion. If you’d like to read more about Brian, you can visit his LinkedIn profile at:

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